Access to publications

Home loan and online document delivery from 18 May 2020

From 18 May 2020 the library offers the home loan service from its funds to teachers, researchers, PhD students, secondary and secondary school teachers and students.

Requests are made online from the library catalogue and will be served daily from 9 a.m. to 12 a.m. (Clinicilor 2, side entrance).

Refunds for publications from central library and branch funds* will only be made at the main office within the same time frame (9.00-12.00).

  • *The loan and return of publications from the Library of the Faculty of Letters fund is made at the headquarters of the subsidiary library (9.00-12.00) - Horea Street nr. 31.
  • *The loan and return of publications from the Library of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics is carried out at the headquarters of the subsidiary library (9.00-12.00) - Pitesti Street nr. 23-25.

For requests to scan articles and chapters (fragments of books), the fee was reduced to 0.2 lei / scanned frame (2 pages).  This service benefits students with a valid library card.

In special cases (for teachers and researchers from Cluj-Napoca municipality who are unable to travel) we will deliver the documents at home every Tuesday of the week following a request sent to the

The taking-over of publications shall be carried out in compliance with all the rules imposed by the current situation.